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Pepper de Callier: Things to Think About

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“I don’t want to be a super model. I want to be a role model.” Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, actress, and producer, as well as a wonderful example of values-based leadership. In my work with Aspen Institute Central Europe, twice a year we take 30 young leaders on a three-day retreat to discuss values-based leadership. We invite heads of state, members of parliament, business leaders, academics—a very diverse group of leaders—to discuss the foundational elements of good leadership, its challenges, its responsibilities, and its rewards, personally, professionally, and for civil society. Many things are discussed and debated. Many different approaches are identified and weighed for authenticity, value, credibility and for what feels right at an individual level. Many wonderful things are discussed, many wonderful insights are achieved, but at the end of the day, there is only one thing that really matters, only one thing that impresses and influences with a ring of truth—one’s example. This quote is a wonderful example of what values-based leadership looks like in daily life.

Good luck on your journey!

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