Czech bookstore fires clerk for racially insulting Romani colleague on social media February 13, 2020
Teachers disagree with proposal to deprive parents of children with high absenteeism of their social benefits February 7, 2020
Labor and Social Affairs Ministry proposes extending length of compulsory school attendance as an anti-poverty measure February 4, 2020
Czech Labor and Social Affairs Minister’s housing benefit reforms criticized from all sides February 3, 2020
Museum of Romani Culture’s international competition for new memorial receives 41 designs January 27, 2020
Outgoing Czech ombudswoman assessed her seven years in office before the lower house January 24, 2020
Romani politician Cyril Koky: Stanislav Křeček as Czech ombudsman would be absurd and ridiculous January 17, 2020
Czech director of “The Painted Bird”: All it takes here is to be different and you’ve got a problem January 9, 2020
Memorial service for Czech civic activist today in Prague, event in her honor next week January 8, 2020
President nominates current Human Rights Commissioner as candidate for ombudswoman, opposition not enthusiastic December 18, 2019
Most approves construction of “container” housing on estate mostly inhabited by Romani people December 17, 2019
Gov’t council recommends analyzing interwar assets of Roma and Sinti confiscated during the war December 5, 2019
Czech expert says haters’ attention is fixating on Roma again, “migration” as a subject is over December 3, 2019
ÚSTR honors Romani activist’s work to remove pig farm from Holocaust remembrance site November 25, 2019