In Czechia, approximately 10% of females work part-time, versus 24.5% in the EU or even 37.8% in Germany says Anna Putnová, a teacher and co-founder of the Czech-Moravian Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Managers. The Minister of Labour Jana Maláčová (CSSD) promises to find a fix for the situation and promote jobs which can be split between employees. For the creation of these jobs Maláčová will seek hundreds of millions of Crowns including EU funds. Giving a tax subsidiary was also mentioned as a possible solution to help the mothers find employment.
One third of all entrepreneurs in Czechia are women, which puts the country near the top of the spectrum in the category EU wide. Furthermore there was a new law passed about the ability to “job-share” or have multiple employees working part-time on one full-time job. The law did not address the tax subsidiary for working-mothers, something Maláčová is now being criticized by some parties for not securing.
With unemployment at a record low, and employers hungry for employees, companies could make use of part-time workers now. The issue in the market seems to be a lack of workers rather than a lack of jobs. To understand where Maláčová would invest hundreds of millions of Crowns to make a “part-time working mothers” program remains to be seen when the bill gets drafted.