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Pepper de Callier: Things to Think About

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“If you believe everything you read, better not read.”      Japanese proverb

I love quotes that remind us of the constant need to be vigilant about how we form our opinions in life. This common-sense proverb is truer today, in the age of fake news and social media, than ever before. Mastering the skill of critical thinking is no longer something that would be nice to do if you just had the time. Today it is a serious necessity, not only for leaders, but for any responsible member of civil society. Think back for a moment to an opinion you formed about something important—politics, business, a relationship. Would a disinterested, third-party evaluating your thought process be impressed with the objective, critical thinking you applied and the variety of resources you consulted, in forming that opinion? This is not only a good question to bear in mind, but it’s also one that is worth asking others.

Good luck on your journey!

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