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Pepper de Callier: Things to Think About

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“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” Benjamin Disraeli

I am often asked what an executive leadership coach really does and, I would have to say, that this quote from the 19th century British politician and twice serving Prime Minister goes a long way to defining it. When you stop and think about the wisdom in this quote, you can begin to see the impact this could have if a leader used this approach in how she dealt with those who look to her for leadership. If you can help someone discover, what Disraeli calls their “riches”, and help them understand how to apply those riches to achieve the goals of an organization, you have just found a true win-win moment. It’s a win for the employee because they are infinitely more happy, they are doing something they are good at, they understand why it’s important for them to be doing what they’re doing, they feel aligned, and this all adds up to that elusive word that everyone talks about today, but too few experience it: Engagement. The ROI to an organization, when a leader invests her time in helping employees “discover” their own natural and authentic engagement, by releasing their talent, is an off-the-charts win for the company. Mmm…who would have thought Disraeli knew so much about coaching?

Good luck on your journey!

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