O2 Czech Republic generated consolidated earnings totalling CZK 37.52bn in 2016, up 0.4% y/y. EBITDA grew 3.0% to CZK 10.45bn. Net profit soared 3.6% to CZK 5.26bn. O2 CR’s mobile customer base in the Czech Republic reached 4.94 million persons (up 0.9%). Average revenue per user (ARPU) totalled CZK 289 per month (up 0.6%). O2 TV and mobile data remain the main growth segments. O2 CR’s board of directors chairman and general director Tomáš Budník has stated that the board of directors intends to proposes the payment of a dividend and issue premium portion totaling CZK 21 per share. O2 plans to partially compensate future negative effect of roaming regulation with new insurance and electronic revenue registration services. Direct costs related to the development and operation of the mobile network reached CZK 23bn over the last three years. Investments in 2016 increased by a third y/y. 4G LTE network covers 99% of the population. The operator will continue with the 3CC technology in 2017.