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P3 rented 3 warehouse and office properties near Prague

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Developer P3 has rented three warehouse and office properties in P3 Prague Horní Počernice to Mail Step, SAZKA and WASSON-ECE CZ. The occupancy rate of the 350,000 m2 park currently totals 97%. Mail Step, which was previously using 7,390 m2 in D2 hall, will newly use further more than 3,000 m2. SAZKA has signed the contract for 996 m2 of warehouses and 318 m2 of office space. The firm will use the premises primarily for the storage of POS and POP materials. WASSON-ECE CZ, involved with gas chromatography, will use 1,800 m2 of warehouse and office space in the D2 building.

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