Water-management association Vodohospodářské sdružení obcí západních Čech (VSOZČ), the main shareholder and contractual partner of Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary (VODAKVA), will invest over CZK 100m from its own funds in the development and renovation of waterlines and sewer systems in 2017. It wants to win also CZK 702m from subsidies. The company will invest primarily in the extension of sewer systems in small municipalities. According to association chairman Josef Hora, VSOZČ completed new sewer systems in Děpoltovice, Mírová and Chyše in 2016. It will continue in the construction of sewer systems in Hory, DRažov, or Vrbice in 2017. It will also commence the construction of sewer systems in Abertamy, Nové Hamry, Štědrá, Květnová, Křivoklát, and Městečko.