Hospital České Budějovice will invest CZK 300m from its own funds in construction work in 2017. The hospital will also spend CZK 30m on new devices. It plans to build the EMERGENCY, complete a two-storey parking lot for patients and employees, complete the pavilion of urology and gynaecology, and commence the extension of the surgery pavilion with 16 surgery rooms. University Hospital Královské Vinohrady will complete the Gynaecology-maternity Clinic and complete the economic stabilisation project. It will invest CZK 45m in the purchase of irradiators for the Radio-therapy and oncology Clinic. The hospital will invest CZK 25m in the medical technology, CZK 10.4m in ambulances, and CZK 8m in the data network renovation. University Hospital Brno prepares the repair of the Psychiatric Clinic and construction of a new maternity hospital for CZK 1.9bn with a 70% state subsidy. This stems from a poll organised by ČIANEWS.