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ČEZ Distribuce will invest more than CZK 11bn in 2018

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In 2018 ČEZ Distribuce plans to invest more than CZK 11bn. In 2017 the company expects investment expenditures to reach CZK 10.2bn. Of this total, CZK 9.6bn should be spent on construction and reconstruction and a further CZK 600m on repairs.

During its entire existence the company has spent CZK 102bn. The aim of the investments is to provide good and reliable deliveries of electricity and to fulfill growing client demands to connect to the grid.

Current projects for example include the reconstruction of the Lichoceves substation (CZK 126m), strengthening main Výškov – Most JIH – Komořany (CZK 120.7m) and the construction of transformer station TR Triangle (CZK 161.8m), which should also ensure a power supply for the Nexen Tire Corporation Czech production facility.

The Fifejdy transformer station in Ostrava worth CZK 220m should also be completed by the end of 2017. ČEZ Distribuce operates mains measuring 163,680 km with 3.6m connection points in the Czech Republic.

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