“You inform with reason, and you persuade with emotion.” Alex Castellanos
The wisdom in this quote is what makes the difference between getting your message across and actually getting something done. What Castellanos is reminding us of is that influencing and motivating people to act is a two-step process. Unfortunately, too many stop at step one. The best example of this for me comes from Shakespeare and his play, Henry V. In it, Henry delivers a speech to an exhausted, sick, and hungry army just before a fierce battle in which the English are hugely outnumbered and have every disadvantage imaginable. Henry acknowledges the facts, but he then converts them into an emotionally-charged, contextual relevance. The words may be Shakespeare’s, but the outcome of the battle is historical fact: It was one of the most dramatic military victories in history. I use this speech in my work with leaders to emphasize how important it is to be open and honest about the challenge when talking to their teams, but to then create an emotional context and relevance that inspires people to act. Here is a link to the famous Shakespearian actor, Kenneth Branagh, delivering it. It’s only five minutes, but it is a life-changing experience for many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAvmLDkAgAM&t=55s
Good luck on your journey!