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Pepper de Callier: Things to Think About

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“There is no passion to be found in playing small – settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela

For me, the value and credibility of a quote comes not only from the resonance of the words, but from the person who said it. Could there possibly have been anyone in modern times more credible to make a statement like this other than Nelson Mandela? The most powerful thing any of us possess is the power of our example, and this was not lost on Mandela. What this quote says to me is, life—a truly meaningful life—begins when you exit your comfort zone to accept the challenges of growth, exploration, and discovery. It begins when you commit yourself to be the very best you, you can be. This commitment is what stokes the fires of passion and leads one to achieve their potential. Mandela knew it, and now, so do you. Today could be a good day for getting uncomfortable, no?

Good luck on your journey!

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