ČEZ is planning on investing in strengthening nuclear security and distribution networks with the aim of preparation to a decentralised energy system in the year 2017, among other things. It will continue to look for suitable opportunities on the RES market in Germany and other European countries. Pražská energetika (PRE) will complete construction and assembly of technology of the new substation in Karlín and will begin to prepare conditions for solution of emergency situations in cooperation with ČEPS and ČEZ. PRE will invest a total of CZK 1.5bn. MVV Energie CZ will begin reconstruction the main lines of the steam pipeline into a hot-water pipe in Liberec. In two years, it will invest approximately CZK 500m in total in modernisation and greening of sources, networks and production facilities. Pražská plynárenská will focus on alternative use of natural gas, the so-called smart energy solutions and the application of new technologies. This is according to an opinion poll of ČIANEWS.