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Jamaican Olympic bobsleigh team races in suits by Czech designer

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Zlin, South Moravia, Feb 5 (CTK) – The Jamaican bobsleigh team will compete at the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang in race suits designed by Czech Zuzana Bahulova who designed clothes for athletes taking participating in Summer Olympics before.

Bahulova said the athletes wanted the suits to be gold, green and black, which are the colours of Jamaica’s flag, and to include a small red-billed streamertail – the hummingbird that is the national bird of Jamaica.

“The main part of the race suit is black and it is accompanied by green and yellow elements. I placed the bird motive on the back side of the body,” she told CTK.

Apart from the suit, Bahulova is the author of the design of the scarf, jacket and trousers.

“Thanks to the present technologies, I can stay at home in Zlin and do work for virtually the whole world. From time to time I need to go abroad, but I always can return home where I get inspired,” she said.

Bahulova used to be an active rower. As a student of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications of Tomas Bata University in Zlin, she went abroad to temporarily work in a company producing clothing for rowers. “I got into contact with various national teams there,” she said.

She designed the suits that rowers from Bulgaria, Germany and Hungary had at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Rowers from Belarus, Cameroon, Germany and Nigeria used suits designed by her at the 2012 London Olympics.

At present, Bahulova is taking part in the development of an interactive animation for the international rowing federation that deals with ideal movements for rowers. She teaches drawing and painting at Tomas Bata University.

At the Pyeongchang Olympics that will open on Friday, the Czech athletes will wear clothes made by the Alpine Pro compaay. For the first time, the athletes themselves participated in designing the clothes.

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