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Prague Ball in Opera to be held in British monarchy style

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Prague, Dec 15 (CTK) – The 13th Ball in Opera, to be hosted by the State Opera in Prague on February 6, will be held in the British monarchy style, the ball director Zuzana Vinzens told media on Tuesday.

Ranging from catering to the design style and artistic programme, the ball will refer to Britain as a symbol of aristocratic society.

Marek Eben will again be the moderator.

In 2015, the ball focused on the noble atmosphere and elegance of France, with the motto “L´art de vivre.”

Vinzens said the next Ball in Opera will be the last for a long time because the State Opera historical building from the end of the 19th century will undergo a thorough reconstruction.

The programme will focus on ladies who are the “queens” in their respective artistic branches, such as cellist Terezie Kovalova, pop singer Tonya Graves, sopranist Pavla Vykopalova and dancer Andrea Kramesova.

A total of 1,000 tickets will be on sale, with prices ranging from 3,500 to 120,000 crowns.

The dress code like in the past years is a tailcoat or tuxedo for men and a long evening dress for ladies.

Foreign guests to the ball will be presented at a press conference in January.

The ball will traditionally be connected with charity.

This year, the proceeds from the charity auction reached a record 2.2 million crowns, including one million a buyer paid for the overall of former Formula 1 racer Mika Haekkinen.

More information about the ball is available on

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