The funding drive continues. We have raised almost CZK 50,000 in the first 6 days of the drive, a big thank you to our readers and supporters. The original article with the full details is below. Our goal is CZK 500,000 for a systems upgrade, pay off some small debts and step up the quality of our journalism with a broader group of writers.
Some readers wrote us that they do not trust putting forward their bank card details. In full transparency I am publishing our bank account number to which supporter’s can directly send funds:
286396185/0300 is our operating account
Upon receipt we can send you an invoice, just please send me the details you would like on the receipt to
Thank you!
Your English language Czech news team
Original article:
It is coming on nearly twenty years of the Prague Monitor bringing the English speaking community valuable insight into the daily doings of deeds in Prague and the Czech Republic. There have been good times and worse times. Great stories and slow news days.
As we start 2020 we understand that we have fallen behind the break-neck pace of technological change, innovation and potential revenues. The likes of the big internet and social media giants have sucked up a huge piece of the advertising revenue pie. Yet we consider ourselves lucky to have strong supporters that remain with us through the good and the bad. There are those that understand that few efficient alternatives to receiving the Prague Daily Monitor free, in your e-mail inbox daily, exist.
In the 17 years we have published the paper, no one ever remembers going to our readers and asking for their support. So when we discussed how to pay for our upcoming and ongoing platform upgrade, we asked ourselves what we are worth to our readers – and we could not answer the question? So we bring the question to you!
The Prague Daily Monitor, with the help of commercial supporters, pays the basic operating costs each month. The issue is we need CZK 500,000 to migrate and upgrade the platform, build add-ins to return advertising revenues to prior levels, pay some outstanding debts, fund some content plans, market ourselves, and bring the local paper to the next level, raise the bar. Will you help us get there?
If 1000 of our readers paid CZK 500, we can achieve everything we are setting out to do. This is not a donation, it is a thank you.
We will not start putting up pay-walls like we see everywhere else, we will not try and get your morning coffee money by asking for CZK 30 a day etc. We just want our readership to show us what our service is worth. Is it worth CZK 500, or more, or less? You be the judge. Making the payment is super easy and you only need to fill out invoice details if you want a receipt for your business taxes. The amount is up to you.
Payments can be made by clicking on the “Support” banners on or your morning mailer at the top right corner. We will update you each Friday with the results. We hope to run the campaign until we hit the goal, which we hope to be a few Fridays.
Thank you!
Best regards from your local news team.