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Wooden animal statues placed in highest Czech mountains

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Spindleruv Mlyn, East Bohemia, July 28 (CTK) – Life-size wooden animal statues are being placed in the Krkonose (Giant Mountains), the highest mountain range in the Czech Republic, within an EU-supported project, Krkonose National Park (KRNAP) Authority spokesman Radek Drahy told CTK Tuesday.

The statues of 14 animal species can be found in the surroundings of a tourist track from the Moravian Cabin to the Czech-Polish border, Drahy said, adding that KRNAP placed a deer statue there Tuesday.

The project is to attract tourists to other localities in the park, apart from the most popular destinations.

The statues made of oak tree are to get visitors acquainted with the wild animal species living in the mountains, such as roe-deer, badger and fox as well as grouse, woodcock and viper.

“The animal statues are placed in their natural habitat and not along the path, for instance, a grouse is sitting on a branch and a deer is peeping behind a tree,” said Drahy.

Along with the statues, the KRNAP will also place information panels to highlight the animals along the track.

The wooden statues are situated in the third zone of the national park where people can move freely.

“They are taking pictures with some of the animals, the grouse is popular,” Drahny said.

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