Prague, Sept 10 (CTK) – The public Czech Television (CT) and Czech Radio (CRo) will broadcast political discussions before the October 20-21 general election and debates with party leaders will also be presented by private media, such as the website and the server.
From September 15 to October 16, CT will present a series of 90-minute-long discussions with leading representatives of the parties that seem to have the potential to succeed in elections according to CT’s opinion poll.
Ten parties crossed the 5-percent threshold to enter the Chamber of Deputies in the poll: ANO, the Social Democrats (CSSD), the Civic Democrats (ODS), the Communists (KSCM), TOP 09, Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD), Mayors and Independents (STAN), the Pirates, the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) and the Greens. Their candidates will meet in 14 debates broadcast on the CT24 news channel from 20:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Representatives of other parties will be presented in the Political Spectrum programme. The leaders of all groupings running in the elections will be interviewed within the daily late night news programme Udalosti, komentare.
On the eve of the election, October 19, a two-hour debate of the leaders of the major parties will be broadcast by Czech Television. The CT election studio will comment on the election results in detail.
Czech Radio will broadcast five discussion with the leaders of all groupings that registered for the elections on October 9-13. One the first day of the elections, CRo will broadcast a discussion with all parties that seem to have a chance to enter parliament. Live video broadcasting of the discussions will be available on the radio’s website.
CRo will also broadcast interviews with the leaders with all the parties and movements. The regional election leaders of the parties will be presented in CRo regional broadcasting.
Czech News Center media house built an election studio in August and it will broadcast seven election debates at, the online edition of a tabloid daily, one a week, always on Wednesday. On October 21, this studio will present the election results and comment on them., which started broadcasting its own news coverage online one year ago, is to present its programme related to the elections in late September.
The Mafra publishing house plans to issue a debate of party leaders and discussions with politicians on its website.