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Deputy PM: Defence minister should consider resignation

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Prague/Hague, Feb 11 (CTK) – Martin Stropnicky (ANO) should consider remaining in the post of Czech defence minister due to his unacceptable comments on the case of Czechs kidnapped in Lebanon, Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Belobradek (Christian Democrats, KDU-CSL) told Czech Radio on Thursday.

ANO chairman and Deputy PM Andrej Babis and Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (Social Democrats, CSSD), too, should consider the situation of Stropnicky, Belobradek said.

There are more variants to choose from, including a proposal to dismiss Stropnicky, he said.

Stropnicky’s dismissal has also been demanded by the opposition Civic Democrats (ODS).

Babis said he does not know about any harm Stropnicky may have caused by his statement.

“Belobradek should refrain from inappropriate calls for [ministers’] resignation. Instead, he should focus on supporting science and research, as this would benefit our country more than nonsensical lash-outs at a coalition partner,” Babis told journalists during a visit to the Netherlands.

Belobradek is a deputy prime minister responsible for science and research.

Belobradek reacted to a question about Stropnicky’s statement last week that the condition for the release of five Czechs kidnapped in Lebanon was Prague’s decision not to extradite Ali Fayad, a Lebanese whom Washington wants over suspected support for terrorism, to the USA.

Although media published speculations about a swap of the five Czechs for Fayad before, they were confirmed by no other politicians but Stropnicky.

Off-record reactions showed that Stropnicky irritated his fellow ministers by his statement.

“I consider it unacceptable to comment on such information. Irrespective of whether it is right or not, it must not be commented at all. It must not be either confirmed or refuted, it simply must not be commented on,” Belobradek told Czech Radio.

A similar behaviour is beyond what is acceptable, which is why Stropnicky should consider his remaining in the post of minister, he said.

Stropnicky would not comment on Belobradek’s statements.

He told CTK via his spokesman that he would not comment “on Belobradek and his need to express his view of everything.”

“I am in Brussels and have important work here. With my U.S. colleague and other allied defence ministers, we discuss really important issues related to the migrant crisis and security,” Stropnicky wrote to CTK.

Belobradek told CTK that Babis and Sobotka should consider what consequences should be drawn from Stropnicky’s behaviour.

“Of course, there are more variants including [Stropnicky’s] resignation and a proposal that he be dismissed [by the president], which is up to the two gentlemen [Babis and Sobotka],” Belobradek said.

In reaction to him, Babis, who is also finance minister, said he does not know that Stropnicky’s statement would have caused any harm.

If it turned out that a minister has leaked secret information, they should leave the cabinet, Babis said.

He said Stropnicky did not leak any state secret nor did he anything unlawful.

“He only commented on what someone else, from the National Security Council (BRS), leaked to the media,” Babis said.

Chamber of Deputies chairman Jan Hamacek, who is CSSD deputy head, said Stropnicky’s statements were a serious mistake.

“It is up to the ANO movement and minister [Stropnicky] to act now. I will not ask him to take any steps, but I believe that he is responsible enough to assess the consequences of his deeds,” Hamacek said.

He said there is no need for the coalition council, or the three governing parties’ top leaders, to meet over the affair.

Babis said Stropnicky, as minister since January 2014, has stabilised the Defence Ministry that was “plagued by corruption.” He has made public procurement transparent and, as the first minister in a long time, he has achieved a rise in the defence budget, Babis said.

“I have registered no similar successes in the area of support for science and research,” he said, hinting at Belobradek’s area of responsibility.

ODS chairman Petr Fiala again called for Stropnicky’s dismissal on Thursday.

Sobotka should show responsibility and have Stropnicky sacked, he told CTK.

“In certain situations, a minister has to keep silent in order not to threaten Czech people’s safety. Martin Stropnicky is incapable of this, and therefore his position as a minister is untenable,” Fiala said.

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