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Poll: Babiš, Okamura have most proponents and opponents

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Prague, Feb 14 (CTK) – Czechs most trust the leaders of ANO, Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) and the Pirates, that is Andrej Babis, Tomio Okamura and Ivan Bartos, respectively, out of parties’ leaders, according to a January CVVM agency poll.

Babis and Okamura, along with Social Democrat (CSSD) acting head Milan Chovanec, have the most opponents too, however, the poll showed.

Distrust prevails over trust for all politicians. Thus one third of Czechs trust Okamura, while almost two thirds do not trust him.

CVVM was examining Czechs’ standpoints on 18 political leaders.

Babis has the highest share of trust among people (37 percent), followed by Okamura with 33 and Bartos with 30 percent. Both Babis and Okamura also ended at the top of the distrust ranking, as 58 percent of the respondents distrust Okamura and Chovanec and 56 percent distrust Babis.

The least share of respondents expressed trust in Vit Rakusan from Mayors and Independents (STAN), Vojtech Pikal from the Pirates and Petr Simunek from the Communists (KSCM), that is 6 percent for each of them. A majority of people stated they did not know these politicians at all.

Trust did not prevail over distrust for any one of the politicians.

The gap between trust and distrust was the biggest for Chovanec, as 21 percent trust him and 58 percent do not.

Compared to the last poll from September 2017, prior to the October general election, Okamura lost respondents’ trust the most, as it dropped from 39 to 33 percent and the share of those who distrust him increased from 49 to 58 percent.

Trust in Civic Democrat (ODS) head Petr Fiala, on the other hand, increased from 16 to 22 percent and distrust in him dropped from 49 to 48 percent.

CVVM conducted the poll on January 15-24. Some 1,086 Czechs over 15 participated in it.

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