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TOP 09, Pirates succeed in general election abroad

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Prague, Oct 21 (CTK) – Primarily TOP 09 and the Pirates succeeded in the Czech general election abroad, while the winning ANO movement was not so popular among Czechs voting in other countries, according to data of the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) released on Saturday.

TOP 09 gained the highest share of votes in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, and out of individual countries it won in the United States, Belgium, Germany, Russia and Slovakia.

The Pirates fared second in six foreign election regions, while they won in Australia and Oceania. ANO won only in Afghanistan.

Most people, more than 4,500, voted at Czech embassies and consulates abroad, and turnout was over 75 percent there. TOP 09 gained more than 27 percent of the vote, the Pirates over 20 percent and the third Civic Democrats (ODS) almost 12 percent.

The same parties are in the first three positions in Belgium and Germany, while in Russia, ANO fared second after TOP 09. In the neighbouring Slovakia, the ODS was second and ANO third.

Even in the Vatican, TOP 09 beat the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL), while ANO did not get a single vote there.

In Asia, more than 750 voters took part in the election at Czech diplomatic missions. Most of them supported TOP 09, followed by the Pirates and the ODS, which was the same result as in the United States.

Dozens of Czech citizens voted also in Australia and Oceania where the Pirates won, followed by the ODS and TOP 09, and in Africa where the KDU-CSL ended second after TOP 09 and ANO went third.

However, the final results considerably differ from the votes of Czechs abroad.

Food and media mogul Andrej Babis’ ANO won the general election with 29.6 percent, followed by the ODS with 11.3 percent and the third Pirates with 10.8 percent of the vote. Another six parties also entered the Chamber of Deputies: the Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) of Tomio Okamura with 10.6 percent, the Communists (KSCM) with 7.8 percent, the Social Democrats (CSSD) with 7.3 percent, the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) with 5.8 percent, TOP 09 with 5.3 percent and the Mayors and Independents (STAN) with 5.2 percent.

Czech citizens could vote at 108 places abroad, primarily at embassies and consulates, but also at the Balad military base in Iraq where Czech soldiers are serving.

The votes from abroad are added to the election result in a constituency set by the State Electoral Commission by drawing lots. This year, Czechs staying abroad could choose from among parties and candidates running in Central Bohemia, same as in the previous elections four years ago.

Czechs with a permanent and temporary stay abroad for work, studies and recreation can influence the composition of the Chamber of Deputies.

More than 9,000 people were registered on the lists of voters abroad this time. Their number increased by those who vote with their voting cards.

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