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ANO leader Babiš: Coalition talks make no sense

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Prague, Oct 29 (CTK) – It is useless to conduct talks on a coalition government at the moment since other parties do not want to discuss its programme, Andrej Babis, leader of the Czech election-winning ANO, told the commercial television station Prima on Sunday.

Even a week after the election to the Chamber of Deputies, in which his ANO scored a landslide victory, Babis has not found a coalition partner.

He said he wanted to form a minority government, to be comprised of ministers for ANO and independent experts.

Babis said he rejected an early election and that on Tuesday, he would inform President Milos Zeman on the composition of the government in the making.

Babis said the government should still include current ministers for ANO, except for Finance Minister Ivan Pilny, who did not want to continue.

He announced two independent experts had promised to be in the government.

“Unfortunately, the parties are categorically refusing any cooperation with us. This is so categoric that the talks on a coalition government make no sense,” Babis said.

He said he would like the confidence vote in the minority government to be held before Christmas.

Babis said he wanted to convince the Chamber of Deputies by the government being composed of quality people.

He announced that he expected the list of new ministers to be finished by November 20 when the new Chamber of Deputies, arisen from the October 20-21 general election, was to meet for the first time.

Babis said that the situation after the negative and tense election campaign targeting his ANO had not changed.

“Unfortunately, party leaders continue with their rhetoric, just politicking. The rhetoric of such parties seems to be as if the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), the Pirates and the Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) had won the election,” Babis said.

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