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Zeman believes further coal mining limits need lifting in future

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Prague, Oct 20 (CTK) – Czech President Milos Zeman welcomes the cabinet’s decision to lift the brown coal mining limits in the Bilina pit in north Bohemia and he believes that it will be necessary to lift the limits in the nearby CSA pit as well in the future, his spokesman Jiri Ovcacek told journalists.

“The president welcomes the limits lifting in the Bilina pit and he still believes, like the trade unions and the Usti Region leadership, that the limits will also have to be lifted in the CSA pit sooner or later,” Ovcacek said.

The cabinet decided on lifting the limits in Bilina at its meeting in Usti nad Labem, the capital of the region involved.

Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (Social Democrats, CSSD) said the government did so to secure enough coal for heating plants and households.

On the other hand, the cabinet decided to preserve the limits in the CSA pit for now, also because their lifting would require the pulling down of houses in the locality.

Regional leaders, nevertheless, demanded that the limits be lifted in CSA as well.

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