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Rally for media freedom, against dictatorship held in Prague

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Prague, Feb 25 (CTK) – About 200 people demonstrated for the freedom of media in the Czech Republic and against dictatorship in the centre of Prague on Saturday, mainly supporting the independence of public Czech Television (CT) and criticising Finance Minister Andrej Babis and President Milos Zeman’s lash-outs at it.

The meeting, with a motto “We do not want another normalisation,” hinting at the hardline communist regime in the 1970s and 1980s, was organised by NGOs including Politics and Conscience, Return the State to Us and Against Displays of Hatred.

The participants called on all political representatives to respect the democratic division of power and especially the freedom of media.

“We are calling for a law to speedily enhance the independence of media councils, a step that has been promised for many years. The present chance to do so may be the last for long,” the protesters said.

They said it is unacceptable for journalists to be accused without any evidence, intimidated or otherwise attacked.

“We are calling on the finance minister either to prove his accusations targeting journalists or step down,” they said, adding that a petition in this respect has been signed by about 3,600 people by now.

If Babis fails to meet their request, they will continue to protest, they said.

Earlier this month, Babis (ANO) criticised CT for reportages concerning his controversial purchase of bonds. He said the reporters violated the CT code and wanted them punished. He accused the reporters of being corrupt and manipulated.

The organisers of Saturday’s rally also warned against the return of dictatorship and against the Communist Party’s (KSCM) participation in the government.

“An important [general] election is scheduled for the autumn, and some parties have already heralded their willingness to rule together with the Communists. The movement based on oligarchy has the biggest chance [of doing so],” the organisers said, alluding to the ANO movement of Babis, one of the richest Czechs, who, however, recently transferred most of his property to trust funds in reaction to a new conflict of interest law.

Saturday was the 69th anniversary of the Communist coup in the former Czechoslovakia.

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