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Czech lawmakers awarded for fight against corruption

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Prague, Sept 21 (CTK) – The group Reconstruction of the State awarded eight members of the Czech Chamber of Deputies and three members of the Senate for most actively promoting nine anti-corruption laws on Thursday.

These included the laws on the register of agreements, on the financing of parties and on the register of politicians’ property.

The main prizes went to the Chamber of Deputies deputy chairmen Radek Vondracek (ANO) and Petr Gazdik (Mayors and Independents, STAN), chairman of Christian Democrat (KDU-CSL) deputy group Jiri Mihola, Jan Farsky (STAN) and Jan Sedlacek (ANO).

Awards in the form of comics heroes were also given to the Chamber of Deputies members Jeronym Tejc (Social Democrats, CSSD), Vit Kankovsky (KDU-CSL) and Gabriela Peckova (TOP 09).

Out of senators, the prizes went to Libor Michalek (Pirates, Jitka Seitlova (KDU-CSL) and Jaroslav Vetrovsky (ANO).

On the other hand, the adoption of anti-corruption legislation was mostly hampered by Chamber of Deputies members Vojtech Filip, Jan Klan and Vaclav Snopek (all Communists, KSCM), Jan Zahradnik (Civic Democratic Party, ODS) and Milan Urban (CSSD) who received the worst rating.

The Reconstruction of the State will highlight both the advocates and “foes” of anti-corruption legislation in the form of flyers, billboards and newspaper articles in the forthcoming election campaign.

The Reconstruction of the State compiled its rating by means of 176 votes of laws.

Over one half of deputies supported the legislation at least partly, Pavel Franc, one of the authors of the project, said.

They will get from the group a certificate for having supported a more transparent Czech Republic, which they will be able to use in the election campaign.

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