Czech Pirates addressed to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrej Babis a written question about human rights violations in China on August 1rst.
Pirate MP Olga Richterová asked PM whether the Government of the Czech Republic complies with the Council of Europe’s Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs in China.
“In May, the Pirates, together with Senator Mark Hilser, submitted a bill on transplants that addresses the legal issues of organ transplantation. The government took a negative stance on it,” said Richterová.
“The prime minister later stated that China will continue to trade organs of executed prisoners only with the consent of relatives,” she added.
A meeting between the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vladimír Bartl and his Chinese counterpart took place on 27 June. The two sides discussed the establishment of a social credit system which is the same now in use in China to repress opponents according to the media.