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Pepper de Callier: Things to Think About

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“Yesterday, I was clever and wanted to change the world. Today, I am wiser and want to change myself.” Rumi

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet, philosopher, and lover of humanity. Over the centuries, his name has been shortened in the West to Rumi. When I read this quote, I am touched by its simple elegance and its ring of truth and clarity. To me, what Rumi is saying goes to the heart of what I call the “Physics of Life”, or cause and effect. It’s all about the example one sets in daily life that gives power to what one says and sets into motion a chain reaction. It’s the kind of thing you notice when you smile at someone and they smile back, or your offer to help someone without regard to what they may be able to do for you. This concept of starting with oneself is how those of us who don’t have unlimited resources, or legions of followers, can bring about change in our lives and in the lives of others. Now, there is a very easy way to test this theory—try helping someone in need with no expectations. This can become the cornerstone to a foundation of real change.

Good luck on your journey!

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