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Pepper de Callier: Things to Think About

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To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself. Soren Kierkegaard

A significant force and thought leader in the 19th century, Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, was known for his focus on the importance of subjectivity, or the way we relate ourselves to objective truths.  There is a stark reality when you take this to an absurd length to prove its point, like say, refusing to believe that moderation has any importance in your life, until you begin to see the ravages of excess come on for an extended and very uncomfortable visit.  What this quote reminds me of is a study done many years ago among people who were in their seventh and eighth decade of life.  One of the questions the researchers asked them was, “Do have any regrets in life?”  Overwhelmingly, the answer was that their regret was something they didn’t do—something they wanted to do, but for some reason, held back—they didn’t dare to do it until it was too late and the opportunity was gone.  Kierkegaard tells us what we can expect when we do dare—a loss of footing, but momentarily. The cost of not daring is far too great for those on a journey of discovery in life.  Is there something you’re thinking about daring to do?

Good luck on your journey!

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