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Zeman: Europe must find courage to protect its borders

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Lisbon, Dec 14 (CTK special correspondent) – Europe must find courage to protect its outer borders and instead of accepting migrants rashly, it should help them on their territory, President Milos Zeman said after a meeting with his Portuguese counterpart Marcelo de Sousa on Wednesday.

Both politicians talked about the European Union (EU) and the migrant crisis. They agreed that the EU must be reformed.

Zeman said the changes could be initiated by small-size EU countries, such as the Czech Republic and Portugal.

“The heedless accepting of migrants weakens the countries from which they come. Young capable men are leaving for Europe where they will most likely live on welfare, while their home will lack their brains,” Zeman said at a press conference in the Presidential Palace.

The migrant wave flooded Europe mainly last year. Most migrants are heading for Germany.

Zeman said the migrant crisis would continue for long and involve millions of migrants.

“An efficient aid to African countries, I stress efficient and not gifts to dictators, might slow down this crisis,” Zeman added.

Zeman also congratulated de Sousa on the election of Portuguese representative Antonio Guterres as the U.N. secretary general

In the afternoon, Zeman, accompanied by Regional Development Minister Karla Slechtova, visited the Hieronymites Monastery in Lisbon and laid wreaths to the tomb of the most famous Portuguese poet, Luis de Camoes (1524-80). He is buried in the the monastery along with a number of Portuguese kings.

Zeman had also lunch with Foreign Minister Augusto Silva.

Later, he will visit the Carmelite Convent in Lisbon’s quarter of Belem and attend a state dinner hosted by de Sousa.

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