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Senate approves EU-required judicial cooperation rules

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Prague, Jan 19 (CTK) – The prosecuted suspects who are extradited from an EU country to the Czech Republic will gain the right to choose an assisting defence lawyer in the Czech Republic, under an amendment to the international judicial rules that the Senate passed on Thursday.

The Czech defence lawyer should provide assistance to the defence lawyer whom the suspect chose or was allotted in the extraditing country.

The Czech defence is mainly supposed to check the criminal proceedings within which the European warrant for their clients was issued, and convey the gained information to their foreign colleague.

The Czech Bar Association will establish a register of lawyers suitable for this task.

The bill entitles the detained people to choose a defence lawyer and speak to them without the presence of other people as early as the moment of their detention, not only after being taken into custody.

The foreign suspects will also be enabled to immediately start communicating with a person they choose and with the relevant consular office.

The bill is yet to be signed by President Milos Zeman.

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