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Poll: Three fifths of Czechs against accepting war zone refugees

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Prague, Nov 30 (CTK) – Almost three fifths of Czechs are opposed to the accepting of refugees from war conflict-stricken countries, 45 percent would accept them only by the time they are capable of returning and 4 percent would accept them for good, according to a CVVM poll released on Monday.

The poll was conducted on 1054 people from November 2 to 9, that is still before the terrorist attacks in Paris.

The number of people opposed to accepting refugees rose by 7 percentage points compared with October.

“Based on previous surveys, we know that the Czech public expects the foreigners to adapt as much as possible to the Czech habits and that they have long considered them a certain security risk,” CVVM said.

Support for accepting refugees for a temporary time rises with education and living standards. It does not show any distinct differences by age or sex.

The Slovaks have a stance similar to the Czechs, while the Poles and Hungarians are more accommodating to the refugees.

Czechs over 15 years of age perceive the refugees a strong security threat to the country (79 percent), Europe (88 percent) and the world (78 percent).

The perception of the threat posed by Islamic State is very similar, even though it is even bigger globally.

The developments in Ukraine are seen as a potential danger to the Czech Republic by about half of the polled.

Eighty-two percent of Czechs consider the EU´s performance in relation to the migrant crisis as negative and 53 percent of them are critical of the Czech government in this respect.

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