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When will the vaccine arrive to Czechia and who will get it first?

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Finally, it seems like the end to the pandemic which has locked people in their houses for months, seems to be around the corner. The Czech Republic is expecting to begin the vaccination in January, but not everyone will be able to get the vaccines.

The vaccines will first be available for healthcare workers, the elderly and patients with the diseases which put them at a high risk. The teachers might also be in the first wave of those vaccinated.

“In the first months, millions of doses will not come, but tens, maybe hundreds of thousands. First of all, they are reserved for seriously ill, especially the elderly. And paramedics who provide crisis care,” said Health Minister Jan Blatný.

Two vaccines will likely to be used – one which requires very specific storage conditions (Pfizer/BioNTech – two million doses ordered) and the one which is less demanding in conditions (AstraZeneca – three million doses ordered). Citizens will not be able to choose their preferred vaccine – the more demanding vaccine will be used in hospitals and “an easier for use” one could be obtained from general practitioners.

The campaign promoting the vaccine use should also start in January – even though the vaccination will be entirely voluntary. Several medical and government officials urge to begin the campaign as soon as possible to encourage more people to participate.

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