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Remek to finish as Czech ambassador to Russia

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Prague, Dec 31 (CTK) – Czech ambassador to Russia Vladimir Remek will leave his post in Moscow at the end of January after four years, but the name of his successor has not yet been announced.

In August the weekly Respekt wrote that Remek, the first and only Czechoslovak astronaut, will be replaced with career diplomat Vitezslav Pivonka.

The Czech Foreign Ministry told CTK earlier that Remek would end in the post after the usual term of office of ambassadors expires.

The four-year term is not any binding norm in Czech diplomacy, but as a rule, it is observed.

Some Czech ambassadors have considerably crossed the period in question. Pavel Vosahlik has been the ambassador to the Vatican since 2008 and Eva Filipi the ambassador to Syria since 2010 .

Respekt said after Remek, the Czech embassy in Moscow would be headed by Pivonka who has been the Czech ambassador to Azerbaijan since 2014.

The Foreign Ministry has not yet confirmed the name of the new ambassadors. It only does so at the moment they receive agrement from the host country.

New Foreign Minister Martin Stropnicky (ANO) has said the filling of some ambassadorial posts is one of his priorities.

At present, there is no Czech ambassador in Switzerland and Austria.

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