Prague, Nov 3 (CTK) – The Safety Line association, which operates the main and oldest child emergency line in the Czech Republic, has won the Czech NGO of the Year 2015 award in the category of big organisations.
In addition, it has won the Public´s Prize in people´s Internet voting.
The Safety Line has been operating since 1994. Although the association also offers e-mail and chat to children, phone still remains the chief and best accessible means for them to consult on their troubles.
The emergency line is free and guarantees anonymity to the clients.
In the small organisations category, the award went to Tamtamy, a social firm that helps handicapped people succeed on the labour market. Its clients are most often people with combined health and social handicaps.
The Early Care EDA group, which supports families with children with impaired sight or other defects, was awarded in the category of medium-size organisations.
The NGO of the Year annual competition was held for the third time now. A total of 115 organisations competed for the title this year.
The title is an independent award initiated by the Foundation for the development of civic society. The jury assesses the professionalism of the competing NGOs, their effectivity in terms of management and financing and their innovative approach to their work.
The goal of the award is to highlight the best NGOs and set examples for the others to follow.