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Chamber of Deputies passes new EIA legislation

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Prague, Sept 5 (CTK) – The Czech Chamber of Deputies passed an amendment that is to simplify the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process in the sphere of construction on Tuesday.

The lower house passed it in the version recommended by the Senate, which linked the legislation with the recently passed construction law.

It was also supported by Environment Minister Richard Brabec (ANO).

The amendment, opposed by environmental organisations, is yet to be signed into law by President Milos Zeman.

The amendment is to restrict the number of the intentions to be subjected to the reviewing process and to prolong the basic time of the validity of the EIA from five to seven years.

One of the reasons of why the amendment was drafted was that the EU had refused to grant subsidies to some Czech transport projects over obsolete EIA reports.

Brabec said the the Czech Republic had tens of transport intentions with the EIA report old up to 15 years.

The amendment is to extend the basic time of an EIA report by five years, thanks to which it may be valid for 12 years.

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