Prague, Feb 9 (CTK) – The National Security Office (NBU) will deal with possible information leak from the Czech National Security Council (BRS) and its board, as demanded by Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (Social Democrats, CSSD), NBU spokesman Radek Holy told the server on Tuesday.
Sensitive information leaks have been speculated about mainly in connection with the negotiations about the release of Czechs abducted in Pakistan and Lebanon.
Holy said the NBU had received the suggestion on Monday.
“We will deal with it as we do with all suggestions of a similar type. As a rule, we do not disclose more information,” Holy said.
The Czech Government Office has asked the relevant institutions to look into possible leaks of classified information from the BRS, Sobotka said after a government meeting on Monday.
The NBU cannot say by when it is to finish its investigation, Holy said.
Opposition Civic Democrat (ODS) chairman Petr Fiala has criticised the information leaks. He said they would be threatening the lives of thousands of Czech citizens in the future.
He reacted to a report of the Respekt weekly, writing that the Czech Republic paid six million dollars for the release of two Czech women abducted in Pakistan.
The women, Hana Humpalova and Antonie Chrastecka, returned home last March after spending two years with their kidnappers. It has long been speculated about Prague paying ransom for them, though politicians have denied it.
In addition, details from the negotiations about the release of five Czechs detained in Lebanon until recently leaked to the public.
Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky (ANO) confirmed in the press that the five Czechs had been swapped for the release of Lebanese Ali Fayad, suspected of terrorism and detained in the Czech Republic, whose extradition the United States demanded.
The BRS is comprised of the prime minister, both deputy prime ministers, the interior, defence, foreign, health, agriculture, transport, industry and environment ministers. There are also the head of the Government Office, head of the Administration of State Material Reserves and governor of the CNB central bank,
Its board is comprised of the prime minister, both deputy prime ministers and the interior, defence and foreign ministers.
Under the law on classified information, the NBU can punish the violation of the law on the treatment of classified information if there is its minor violation. If there is a suspicion of crime, law-enforcement bodies investigate the case.