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Czech population growth steepest in Prague, Central Bohemia

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Prague, Feb 13 (CTK) – Central Bohemia and the capital Prague are the Czech regions that are the most populous and have seen the steepest population growth in recent years, Czech Statistical Office (CSU) experts said at a press conference on Tuesday, presenting selected demographic data from 2016.

Central Bohemia, a region surrounding Prague, also saw a high number of inhabitants moving to Prague and vice versa.

The trend of people leaving cities to settle in their close vicinity continued, applying to both Prague and Brno, the capital of Moravia.

The Czech Republic had a total of 10,578,820 inhabitants at the end of 2016.

“In the 1970s and 1980s, people tended to move to cities as regional centres. In the mid-1990s, this trend changed and the movement from centres to their surroundings started to prevail,” CSU deputy chairwoman Eva Krumpova said.

In 2016, 14,100 people moved from Prague to the Central Bohemia Region, while 8,200 people moved in the opposite direction.

The population of Central Bohemia reached 1.3 million, as did the population of Prague.

The Czech Republic is comprised of 14 self-rule regions including Prague.

In the period between 2011 and 2016, a half of them saw their population grow, while the other half saw its decrease.

The decrease was the steepest in the Moravian regions of Moravia-Silesia and Zlin, followed by the Karlovy Vary and Usti regions, northwest Bohemia.

Ten years ago, the Moravia-Silesia Region was still the most populous of all, Krumpova said.

Foreigners made up 4.7 percent of the population of the country at the end of 2016. Most of them (14.4 percent) lived in Prague, and the lowest share (1.5 percent) in the Zlin Region, south Moravia.

The Czech population continues ageing, its average age rising by 5.5 percent to 42 in the past 25 years.

In terms of people’s average age, the “youngest” region is Central Bohemia, mainly its districts adjacent to Prague, where children under 15 prevail over people above 65.

The region with the “oldest” population is Hradec Kralove, east Bohemia.

A total of 112,663 children were born and 107,750 people died in the Czech Republic in 2016.

The age of Czech mothers markedly changed in the past 25 years.

“In all regions, women tend to postpone motherhood. In 1991, women most often had their first child at the age of 20, while in 2016, the largest number of mothers were aged 30,” Jan Honner from the CSU said.

In all regions, the number of children born out of wedlock increased in recent years, their share being the highest in the Karlovy Vary (64.4 percent) and Usti (64.2 percent) regions.

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