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HN: One-fourth of Czech babies born by Caesarian

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Prague, Aug 11 (CTK) – About one-quarter of babies are born by Caesarian in the Czech Republic and some mothers prefer this method though there is no medical indication for it, daily Hospodarske noviny (HN) wrote on Friday.

HN refers to the latest data of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics (UZIS) saying 26.1 percent of women underwent a Caesarian section in 2014 and 2015 in the country.

One of the main reasons is the rising age of mothers connected with a higher risk of complications. The average age of a woman who gives birth in the Czech Republic was 30 years in 2015, compared with 27.5 years in 2001.

However, the UZIS data show that the number of young women who give birth by Caesarean has been rising, too.

This corresponds to the trend in Europe where one in four babies were born by Caesarean in 2014. However, Western medicine is trying to lower the share of Caesarian sections, HN writes.

Their number has been decreasing in the Czech Republic as well, Petr Velebil, obstetrician from the Prague-Podoli maternity hospital, told HN. He refers to the data he is collecting from head doctors of all Czech maternity hospitals as a scientific secretary of the Czech Gynecological and Obstetrical Society.

“In 2014-2015, the percentage of Caesarian sections culminated in the Czech Republic. Last year, the figure dropped under 25 percent after a long time,” Velebil told HN.

The decline may be caused by the rising number of women who want to have as natural childbirth as possible.

On the contrary, many women prefer Caesarian since they can plan their birth date beforehand. Besides, the surgery normally lasts for dozens of minutes and they avoid labour pain, HN writes.

Czech obstetricians dismiss that they would carry out Caesarian at the patients’ desire without a medical reason. However, Internet discussions among women prove the opposite, HN says.

Velebil admits that Caesarian sections are made at women’s request in the world and possibly in the Czech Republic as well, but the official stance of the professional body is that every surgery must have a medical reason.

However, he admits that doctors must also take a pregnant woman’s psychological condition into consideration. “If she is scared, stressed and convinced that she would not give birth without Caesarian, you cannot force her to do what you wish even after providing all available information,” he said.

Moreover, a high number of Caesarian sections may be motivated by the doctors’ effort to avoid possible complaints and lawsuits.

“In a way, Caesarian is the easiest method for a doctor. If there is a general opinion among lawyers that you will do your utmost for the woman by Caesarian, this factor may naturally play a role,” Velebil said.

On the other hand, Caesarian is also more costly than a natural birth. The largest General Health Insurance Company (VZP) pays some 33,000 crowns for a Caesarian birth without complications to hospitals, while they get less than a half for a vaginal birth, HN writes.

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