Prague, Feb 12 (CTK) – A total of 604 centenarians, 526 women and 78 men, lived in the Czech Republic at the end of 2015, Jana Buranova, spokeswoman for the Social Security Authority (CSSZ), has told CTK.
The oldest inhabitants of the country are two women born in 1907, while the oldest Czech man was born in 1909.
The number of centenarians has been dropping in the Czech Republic with a population of 10.5 million in the past few years. Two years ago, their number was still almost twice higher than now and it was annually rising.
One of the reasons for the decrease might be that people born during WWI (1914-1918), when the birthrate considerably dropped, are now reaching 100 and more years.
Before 1910, more than 300,000 children were born a year in the Czech lands, while during WWI it was less than a half.
“The highest number of centenarians or 107 (94 women and 13 men) live in Prague at present, followed by the South Moravia Region with 90 centenarians (77 women and 13 men),” Buranova said.
The Czech society has been ageing.
According to demographers, the most considerable change in the population will be the rise in the number of very old people in the following decades.
They estimate that some 13,000 centenarians may live in the Czech Republic in 2050, and in 2065 it would be almost 19,700, while women would prevail among them. Men would make up one-quarter of centenarians.
People aged over 100 have the right to a monthly pension bonus of 2000 crowns to cover their health care costs.
A higher pension for centenarians was introduced in the country in 1969. It was gradually increased from 400 crowns in 1990 to 600 in 1996. In May 2001, it rose to 1000 crowns, which was doubled in July 2006.