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Czech father of maltreated sons detained in France

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Prague, June 14 (CTK) – A 42-year-old Czech father of maltreated sons who was sentenced to four years in prison for isolating them from the outer world in 2012 and had been hiding since then was detained in France these days, spokeswoman Ivana Nguyenova said on the police website on Wednesday.

The man was tracked down in France at the beginning of June on the basis of a European arrest warrant.

The Czech judiciary is seeking his extradition to the Czech Republic from France, Nguyenova added.

The mother of the boys was also convicted of their maltreatment and given a two-year prison term five years ago. However, she was pardoned within the presidential amnesty in 2013.

The parents kept the boys, whom the media dubbed “wolf children,” in a flat in Prague isolated from the outer world since their birth which they concealed from the authorities. The boys were born at home and had no official birth certificates.

According to the indictment, the parents did not feed the children sufficiently, they did not dress and wash them properly either.

They were convicted of neglect of compulsory maintenance, endangering child education and aggravated bodily harm out of neglect.

When the police found the boys, they could neither walk nor speak, they kept crying and sometimes made inarticulate sounds. Their bite reflex was undeveloped and they were neither physically nor mentally developed for their age.

The parents denied the charges.

They claimed they had looked after their children very well, but they were opposed to traditional methods of child upbringing.

According to the parents, the boys did not need to go out, they were healthy and therefore did not need medical check-ups.

The parents said they had not registered their sons with the authorities since they did not agree with vaccination.

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