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Police president: Migrant crisis motivates young Czechs to join police

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Zbiroh, West Bohemia, Feb 17 (CTK) – The migrant crisis motivates young Czechs to join the police, Police President Tomas Tuhy told CTK on Wednesday, adding that the corps should be reinforced by 850 newcomers this year, which is a record high number in the past years.

Tuhy said “the young men and women’s desire to contribute to the protection of the country” was motivated by “a patriotic sentiment.”

He said in 2017, the police want to take on more than 1000 people.

Tuhy said the goal, which he is pushing through together with the Interior Ministry, is to raise the current police staff by 4000 by the end of 2020.

Today, the police capacity is 40,200, but not all positions are filled.

The police is to be reinforced by ten people in the vicinity of the former miliary district of Brdy, which was abolished as from January.

“We are preparing a programme within which the police will participate in the clean-up of the environment,” Tuhy said.

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