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Customer enters store without a mask, ends up in the hospital

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For those who don’t think the epidemic is serious, this may offer additional motivation.

As of Tuesday, people are required to cover their nose and mouth while entering mass transit, stores or government offices. In Brno yesterday, a thirty-six year old man tried to enter a local supermarket without proper face protection. The fifty-nine year old security officer on duty was not willing to yield the rule and demanded the man not enter. A scuffle broke out and it ended with the customer being driven off in an ambulance.

The security officer insisted that he was not the aggressor and was only doing his job. He even showed the broken glasses in his possession to the police, which he says were stepped on by the customer when the security officer fell to the ground. The customer was taken away by ambulance due to torn lips and eye brows which were the result of the attack, the security office declared.

Tensions are amplified due to the seriousness of the situation so the Prague Monitor recommends that everyone take the rules seriously. Medical staff do not need any more patients in their hospitals.

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