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PM: New police inspection head to arise from tender

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Prague, April 19 (CTK) – The new director of the Czech General Inspection of Security Corps (GIBS) will be chosen in a tender, Prime Minister Andrej Babis told parliament on Thursday, reacting to present GIBS head Michal Murin’s Tuesday announcement of his departure from the post as of May.

Babis (ANO) was responding a question addressed to him by Pirate chairman Ivan Bartos.

He said he has not chosen any candidate for an interim GIBS head for the time being.

He pointed out the fact that Murin and his predecessor, the GIBS’s first director Ivan Bilek, were appointed to the post without a tender under the previous government.

“There will definitely be a transparent competition,” Babis said, referring to the choice of Murin’s successor.

Babis dismissed the assertion of Bartos, who said it was Babis’s pressure that forced Murin to resign.

“I did not force anyone into anything,” he said.

Before Murin’s announced resignation, he and Babis had a several-week dispute.

In March, the GIBS said Babis had repeatedly urged Murin to resign. He reportedly said if Murin resigned by the end of February, his departure would be without a scandal.

Babis dismissed having said this, but subsequently, he started criticising Murin and launched disciplinary proceedings against him. He said he did not trust Murin and challenged the GIBS’s financial management.

Murin said on Tuesday he was leaving for the civil sector, since his remaining in the post could lead to challenging the GIBS’s performance.

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