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Fifty Czech police officers to protect Schengen border in Hungary

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Usti n.L., North Bohemia/Prague, Oct 19 (CTK) – The Czech government Monday approved the deployment of 50 police in Hungary to help protect the Schengen border over the ongoing migrant crisis.

The police are to leave for Hungary at the close of October and their mission is to last until mid-December.

The police will be serving at the Hungarian-Serbian border, police spokeswoman Jana Macalikova has told CTK.

“It will be the task of the police to conduct the patrolling activities along with the Hungarian soldiers and police officers,” Macalikova said.

The police and Interior Ministry will only later disclose details.

Twenty Czech soldiers have been in Hungary since last week. They are mainly drivers and equipment staff.

They are helping the Hungarian military with transport of materiel and building a fence.

The Czech military has also provided ten field kitchens, a vehicle to transport containers and another one to serve as a movable engineering workshop for Hungary.

Like the police, the troops will stay in Hungary till mid-December.

Along with Greece and Italy, Hungary is the main entry through which the refugees are flocking to the EU.

According to estimates, over 330,000 refugees have gone through Hungary since early October, while others are still coming.

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