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Zeman to meet US business representatives on Thursday

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Prague, May 22 (CTK) – Czech President Milos Zeman will receive U.S. companies’ representatives at the Prague Castle, the presidential seat, on Thursday afternoon, Rudolf Jindrak, from the foreign department of the presidential office, told CTK on Tuesday.

The group of the U.S. managers will visit the Czech Republic this week within the ACEBA (America-Central European Business Association) business mission taking place this week. The Presidential Office said it was a U.S. chamber of commerce associating investors interested in Central and East European countries.

Managers from the Lockheed Martin aerospace company, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) agricultural giant, Amgen pharmaceutical company, Medtronic medical devices producer, Phillip Morris International tobacco company and Westinghouse electric corporation.

Apart from meeting the president, the business representatives will also talk to other Czech officials.

In 2017, Czech companies exported goods worth almost 88 billion crowns into the USA. Regarding the future of trade between Europe and the USA, there has recently been tension due to the announced protective measures of U.S. President Donald Trump.

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