Prague, March 23 (CTK) – A draft amendment restricting firms’ effort to lower their costs by abusing the institute of posting workers abroad on a temporary basis, which transposes a European directive into Czech legislation, was signed by President Milos Zeman on Thursday, his spokesman Jiri Ovcacek has told CTK.
The legislation also concerns the employee’s claim to the minimum wage applied in the country where they fulfill their tasks.
The directive aims at firms that send abroad their workers to provide sham services and that found “mailbox” firms in the countries where the employees’ social costs and other rights are cheaper.
The European Parliament approved the relevant directive in 2014 based on agreement with individual member countries.
The amendment is to help better identify the real firm sending the worker abroad.
The labour inspection has new powers in monitoring the observance of legal regulations and new powers in the sphere of cross-border communication and information supply to the posted employees.