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Postol: Radar does not work

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Theodore Postol, US Professor of Science, Technology and International Security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, invited by Greenpeace, came to the Czech Republic to warn us that the radar basically does not work.

Why have you decided to accept Greenpeace’s invitation and tell the Czechs about your doubts concerning the radar?

I find it essential that people have complete information on how the radar works. And I have been very surprised at the amount of disinformation that the US governmental representatives passed onto the Czechs. The radar issue is also a broader topic, which is connected to US – Russian relations. And the European part of the US anti-missile defence creates obstacles in US – Russian discussions aimed at decreasing global threats.

Your main message, however, is that the radar does not work, is that right?

According to the number of transmitting and receiving modules in its antennae, it does not work. Its range is so small that if there really was a missile fired in Iran, it would fly over the radar.

Why do you think so? Have you ever been to the Kwajalein Atoll where the radar currently stands? The Americans are also saying that the radar will be modernised before being moved.

I have never been to Kwajalein, but specialised technical magazines have published many articles about this radar. Such information is adequate. The radar will not be sufficient even after the modernisation.

You don’t think you might not have access to the most up-to-date information? Some of it might be secret…

It is like a row of suitcases which look the same from the outside but only one of them contains a bomb. Can anyone really tell which one is the one? General Obering, commander of the Missile Defense Agency, wants you to believe that someone can. But all his arguments are secret.

Do you mind that Greenpeace presents you as General Obering’s “nightmare”?

I don’t mind. Mister Obering really doesn’t like me. I worked for Pentagon in 1982-84, and the physics have not changed. I took an oath of allegiance to the US, and I have observed it.

Translated with permission by the Prague Daily Monitor

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