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Internationally renowned pianist Ivan Moravec dies aged 84

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Prague, July 27 (CTK) – Ivan Moravec, the only Czech featuring in the Great Pianists of the 20th Century complete edition, died in Prague aged 84 on Monday, Jaromir Havlik, from the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague at which Moravec taught, has confirmed the information for CTK.

The Great Pianists of the 20th Century edition presents around 70 world pianists on CDs.

Moravec was born in Prague on November 9, 1930. Western media dubbed him a “poet of the piano” and many considered him a “pianist of all pianists.”

Despite his art, he was modest, unpretentious and hard-working, his colleagues say.

Moravec played on almost all prominent world stages and was invited to play as a soloist with leading world orchestras and conductors.

His interpretation of Mozart, Beethoven, Debussy, Franck and Chopin was most successful, which may be a reason why Czech music did not rank high on his repertoire. Yet, he often played Janacek abroad.

Moravec won a number of awards, including the Medal of Merit for outstanding artistic achievements, bestowed on him by the late president Vaclav Havel in 2000.

He was also awarded the Charles IV Prize, the most prestigious Czech acknowledgement of service to humanity called after the 14th century King of Bohemia and Roman Emperor in the same year, and the Antonin Dvorak Award, called after the famous 19th century Czech composer.

In 2002, he was presented with the Cannes Classical Award for lifetime achievement.

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