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Czech official condemns way China treats pro-democracy activists

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Prague/Hong Kong, Aug 27 (CTK) – The criminalisation of the freedom of speech and assembly in China, where three pro-democracy activists were charged with unlawful assembly Thursday, is unacceptable, Jakub Klepal, from the Czech Forum 2000 Foundation, said, adding that one of the men is scheduled to visit Prague soon.

Following the legacy of the late President Vaclav Havel, the foundation stages the Forum 2000 international conference of world personalities and thinkers in Prague every autumn.

The three activists who face criminal charges in China include Alex Chow, who is to attend the Forum 2000 conference in mid-September.

“We hope that the legal steps of the [Chinese] law enforcement bodies will be suspended and that Mr Chow will have a chance to attend this year’s Forum 2000 conference,” Klepal said.

Chow faces criminal charges together with another two student leaders, Nathan Law and Joshua Wong, the latter being a leader of the pro-democracy mass demonstrations that were held in Hong Kong last September in protest against the election method planned for the 2017 polls.

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