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Czech Roma students to be taught media presentation

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Pec pod Snezkou, East Bohemia, Aug 30 (CTK) – Almost 50 Czech Roma students of secondary and higher education will be taught the media presentation and performances to serve as positive examples for the rest, Yveta Kenety, from the organising Romea group, told journalists on Wednesday.

The course started on Wednesday and lasts until Sunday, Kenety said.

“We are trying to present positive examples of Roma students also in the media, but the students tell us that they have a problem with this as they are not sufficiently prepared for it,” she added.

The students are to gain more self-confidence within the course. In practical training they will be taught how to answer unpleasant questions associated with Roma affairs.

The course also includes discussions with the personalities who are to inspire and motivate the students.

The topic of social responsibility will be presented by sociologist Ivan Gabal.

Most of the participants in the course are gifted Roma students, from a fellowship programme started by Romea.

Last year, when the programme was held for the first time, 50 fellowships were distributed among secondary schools students and ten among advanced vocational schools students.

This year, 60 fellowships will be awarded.

The student course is held within the programme Baruvas, which means “We Grow” in the Romani language, Kenety said.

She said this was the so far biggest meeting of Roma students.

“It is good news for Czech society that the number of active Roma students who try to develop their skills and feel civic responsibility is constantly growing,” she added.

The meeting is held with the sponsorship of the Education Ministry and the Velux Foundation, Albatros and Nestle foundations and other donors.

The Roma Culture Museum in Brno has gained rare postcards depicting the Roma life in various parts of the world for its collections.

At present, the Museum administers roughly 30,000 items.

The collection depicts the Roma in Russia, Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Ukraine and Germany. Some of the postcards are over 100 years old.

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